Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Big Girl Job

My family's congratulatory surprise for me.
I'd been praying for a teaching job since wayyyy before I graduated last May -- I'd say I'd been praying for roughly a year and a half.  Since August I have been a substitute teacher in 3 elementary schools, all of which I love.  With each day I spent in these schools, I fell more and more in love with them, and continuously prayed for a position to open up next year.  Don't you love it when God answers prayers?!  And He REALLY outdid Himself this time.

About a week after the students returned from Christmas Break, the principal at one of the schools called me into her office.  She asked me if I would like to become an 'indefinitely permanent part-time sub' and teach my own classes.  Of course I said yes and was given a classroom and classes of students.  My job was to teach a Kindergarten Technology class, 2 math classes, and then to work with a second grade class during math. 

Last Tuesday, February 6th, I was given a permanent part-time teaching position!!!!  Although the event that allowed for my hire is quite unfortunate and sad, I am thankful for the amazing opportunity to work with such a supportive staff and to teach such wonderful students.  I begin each day teaching 10 fifth graders math for 30 minutes, when they come into my room during their lunch (it's a program called Lunch-and-Learn that is designed to give students extra Math practice to strengthen their skills).  Because there are only 10 of them, we can do some fun, interactive things.  Next, I teach the Kindergarten Technology Special.  As a 'Special' teacher, I see each Kindergarten class once a week and we do SMART Board activities and games.  Then, I work with another teacher to teach 4th grade Lunch and Learn for an hour.  We have 24 students--AHHH!!--so it gets kinda crazy.  Then I spend time in a 2nd grade class working in small groups teaching math.  

Although I was somewhat stressed at the start, I've begun to catch the hang of it, and I'm really enjoying everything about my job.  I could not ask for better administration--they are so helpful and encouraging.  The teachers I work with are incredible--and young, too (so I'm making some new friends!).  My students are sweet (especially the kindergarteners and 2nd graders) and eager to learn.  And, my school is only 10 minutes from home!  

I have always wished that I could teach in the school system I attended as a child, but I'm not sure I honestly thought it would ever happen.  God has blessed me with such a wonderful opportunity this year and answered my prayers for a job in ways I'd never imagined.  Words can't describe how thankful I am for where the Lord has so graciously placed me.

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