Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God's plan for me & my faith in it.

a Pinterest find

Faith is a constant struggle for me.  I don’t fight with whether or not Jesus is who he says he is or if what’s written in the Bible is true.  That’s not what I’m talking about here. 

My struggle is having the faith to trust that God is in control, that He has a plan for me, and that He will make His plan prevail.  I grew up hearing these statements and memorizing the Bible verses that support them.  I know it in my heart, but do I believe it?  Truly believe it?  With my whole heart? 

Most of the time.

Other times, I do all that I can to avoid God because I’m upset that my plans aren’t following through the way I’d wanted.  My Bible basically calls my name [and if it had eyes they’d stare at me] as I walk past it and refuse to pick it up. 

Side note: I am a planner.  Byron jokes with me because I have to plan in advance to be spontaneous.  I like to know what’s going on and when it’s going to happen.  I just can’t imagine why letting God have control of my life is so hard for me…  {incase you didn’t pick up on it, that last line was sarcasm}

from one of the blogs I follow
Last week was one of those ‘other times.’  I was upset about everything.  Literally.  And when I’m upset I do a whole lot of nothing.  And you know what’s funny?  In the times I was trying my hardest to avoid talking to God [which is just silly because I should seek Him in these circumstances . . .], He was trying even harder to talk to me.  I kid you not.  With church signs, songs, Facebook, Pinterest, and the blogs I read, God revealed Himself to me through my friends, calmed my heart, and brought me back to Him.  
from another blog I read
Then, to put icing on the cake, His plans were revealed.  And yes, they are better than what I was anticipating, like always.  I imagine God saying to me, "One day, young grasshopper, you will learn. . ." Haha.  [but really.]  

Thankfully, my faith in His plan waivers less and less.  I do believe it’s growing me into a less controlling, more humble person, for which I am grateful, but it’s still a tough learning experience for me.  
and another Pinterest find
I guess God's using social media for His benefit.  Who woulda thought?


  1. It's a hard lesson to learn, but your life becomes more peaceful when you finally grasp most of it. It helps to look back at all of the times He saw you through, and how often His plan is better than yours. Love you, stay strong!

  2. So glad you're blogging this as you (and I) will come back to it and be reminded of God's faithfulness. I've been struggling with the same thing for a while and the study I was telling you about has reminded me that I too need to be an active listener. Thank you Lord for faithful friends, facebook, blogs & Pinterest ;)
