Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today I am thankful.

The last few months have been very challenging for numerous reasons, and just as I'm getting somewhat settled in my old room at my parents house, it's time to pack up [again!] and move in to a new apartment with Byron!  Whoop!  As my life is thrown back into boxes, it's very tempting to get caught up with the stress and focus on the irritations that accompany the moving process.

So, before the whirlwind of packing, moving, unloading, and unpacking begins, I'm taking a moment to be thankful for some things that have made this transition period of life more-than-mediocre. 
I am thankful for . . .
1. God's timing.  [How many times have I mentioned this?!] I can't express just how wonderfully God's strategically pieced things together.
2. My encouraging, loving husband.  Being apart has been rough, and on the hardest days Byron's always had scripture, funny pictures, or sweet comments to counteract my sometimes sour moods.
3. My family and the willingness to have Bridget and me back home.  My parents are great and I will be ever-thankful that they let me stay at home and cooked me dinner while Byron and I weren't able to live in the same city.
4. My incredible father-in-law and mother-in-law.  They've always welcomed Byron and me on the weekends and let us [and our pups] spend the weekends at their home.
5. Wonderful friends and co-workers.  I am beyond blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people every day.
6. The nice air mattress I've been sleeping on -- because it's MUCH better than the floor!

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