Monday, September 23, 2013

Good-bye Flip Phone!

I recently had a pivotal moment in my life.  I joined the 21st century.  After years of using a hand-me-down flip phone (only slightly more hip that the Zack Morris phone), I am finally the owner of an iPhone!  Watch out world: You're about to be bombarded with Instagram pictures of my sweet pups.  Hopefully, this new phone will force me to be a better communicator to friends and family and it might alter my life in other ways, too.

Ways my like could change as an iPhone user:
- I can nosocialize.

- I can post selfies each morning on the way to/from work.

- You will never have to wonder what I ate for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

- I can check-in at every place I go, alerting a robber to break in my apartment and steal all of the expensive things that a teacher's salary allows.

How my life will change with an iPhone:
- I no longer will have to print MapQuest directions before heading on vacation or to new restaurants.
- When receiving group messages I won't receive each person's individual, out of order response.
- Instead of hauling my SLR camera with me everywhere I can simply bring my phone.
- My text message inbox won't be 99% full every other day.
- Metallica's 'Sandman' will no longer be my ringtone.
- I can use paperless coupons!!!

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