Tuesday, November 5, 2013

October in Photos

As summer and our weekends at the lake came to a close, I remember saying, "I'm looking forward to life slowing down and catching my breath."  It seems, though, that I've jinxed myself.  Our weekends are still packed, and our weeks are more busy than before!  I can't believe it's already November!

That being said, here are the highlights of October in pictures:

October began with a teachers-night-out.  Over the river and through the woods, to Luke Bryan we go!
[Quite literally]
Susan, Kelli, and me -- Love these two.
While back in Athens visiting Cal and Ashley, we decided to get festive at the pumpkin patch.  I'd never picked a pumpkin off the vine before!  We loved walking around looking at all of the different pumpkins and sunflowers on the farm.  We decided to paint our pumpkins instead of carving them this year.  It's nice to enjoy the pumpkins through November! 

pumpkins for daaayyyyyyyssss
Maybe one day I will have a garden of sunflowers.
Could there be a more accurate picture of us?
Love this man.
We're holding the pumpkin like that for many reasons:
1. It's heavy.
2. If you hold the pumpkins by the stems, they'll break off.
3. How do you non-awkwardly take a pumpkin pic?
This is NOT a 'I'm preggo!' picture.  
This is my pumpkin -- Byron's was rather disturbing so I'll spare you from that.
Byron and I went on a short hike one weekend (I'll post pictures of that later) and I celebrated Halloween with my kiddos at school wearing our PJs.  Then Friday everyone welcomed November with a Sugar Hangover.  

My goal for November is to slow down amidst the chaos, enjoy it, and give thanks for the blessings that come with a busy schedule.

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